“A primary caregiver to the children in care at JRM”
Montego Bay, Jamaica
My Story
Ever since I graduated high school I’ve been working at JRM, first as an Auntie, and now as Assistant Manager of Little Miracles Children’s Home. I’ve been married for 2 years to my amazing husband Garvil Robinson. We met at Cornwall Regional Hospital when I was visiting my brother Mario, who had just been in a scary car accident. It was quite an unusual time to be noticing a guy, but we were drawn to each other, and I know that God knows all the plans he has for my life, so I didn’t question Him! After marriage, we were blessed with the most precious gift, baby Sabrina, who is now 1 year old. She is our bundle of joy! Through her, I have learned even more about how to humbly love God with all my heart and all my strength.
I enjoy working with all the kids here at JRM! If I am having a sad day, being here lifts me up and gives me the motivation to go on. I have always dreamed of becoming a Social Worker, and plan on studying to get my degree. I am passionate about seeing children’s lives changed from brokenness to peace by being placed in a happy home, either through foster care, adoption, or being re-integrated with their family.