The hands and feet of Jesus to the people of Jamaica




"A primary caregiver to the children in care at JRM"

Millersburg, OH USA

Served at JRM:
May 2019 - August 2021

My Story

Hi, I’m Rebecca. I was born in Ohio & I’ve lived in Ohio my entire life until God called me to Jamaica.
I am the middle child with one older sister and one younger sister.
A few of my favorite memories growing up are playing softball with my sisters and mom & dad in the front yard.
Also, I always loved taking weekend trips to visit family and
family vacations were always lots of fun!



Growing up I always wanted to be a school teacher
but the older I got the more I realized that I’m not a teacher at all!
I got my first job at the age of 14 at a restaurant.
Five years later I switched jobs and worked as a secretary/cashier and two years later I moved to Jamaica.
I always wanted to work with children and
Jamaica Relief Ministries sounded like a place to do just that!

A few of my hobbies include traveling, spending time with friends and family, and journaling.
A few of my favorite places that I’ve gotten to travel to are Nicaragua & Kenya.
My favorite vacation was a 3 week trip out west with my family.
I’m excited to see where God will lead me
in the future.